The SteamVR feature has been improved as well

Mar 23, 2016 00:52 GMT  ·  By

Just a few moments ago, March 23, 2016, Valve pushed a new Beta of its Steam Client for all supported platforms, including SteamOS, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.

Entitled "Steam Client Beta Update - March 22nd," the new version is now available in the Beta channel for those who have opted to use it, and it looks like it adds even more improvements to the Steam Controller device, as well as to the SteamVR feature.

For example, Steam Controller owners will be able to use the Joystick Click and A/B/X/Y as Mode Shift buttons. Talking about Mode Shift, the feature now gets correctly cleared when the user adds a mode shift to more than one actions set.

Talking about actions sets, they can now accurately display native actions instead of M/KB/Gamepad bindings when the legacy action set is being used. Also, a crash that occurred when attempting to go into or out of an overlay when the Steam Controller is of use has been fixed.

On the other hand, SteamVR now officially includes the "Desktop Game Theater" feature by default, so there's no need for you to run a command to activate it. Some performance improvements surrounding the rendering of "Desktop Game Theater" into the Oculus DK2 headset have been add as well.