He will have a lot of banter with Captain America

Jan 22, 2015 15:44 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Gazillion in charge of the Marvel Heroes experience announces that one of the biggest additions to the title set to arrive this year is Winter Soldier, one of the biggest characters from the Captain America universe, who will be voiced by David Hayter.

The actor is best known for becoming Solid Snake in a long line of Metal Gear titles, although he no longer works on the franchise at the moment.

Gazillion says that Winter Soldier will have a lot of unique audio elements and that his banter with Captain America is designed to appeal to comic book fans.

The official origin story for the game has Bucky Barnes as a teenage sidekick of the superhero who is caught in an explosion and is then tortured by Russians after an explosion knocks him out.

The developers are saying that he was used as a capable assassin and it was “not until battling Captain America face to face (and with the assistance of the Cosmic Cube) that Bucky was able to fight his forced programming and reclaim his position as a hero. He now works with S.H.I.E.L.D. alongside Black Widow, and has even acted as Captain America for a time.”

Marvel Heroes is designed to allow players to play as their favorite superheroes, and this year it will probably have tie-in events designed to link it to the new Avengers movie.

Marvel Heroes Winter Soldier Images (4 Images)

Winter Soldier is coming
David Hayter voiceFormer Solid Snake