Games will be able to hunt mechanical dinosaurs

Jun 16, 2015 01:33 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Guerrilla Games and publisher Sony are announcing that they are working together on an entirely new intellectual property called Horizon: Zero Dawn, which will be launched only on the PlayStation 4.

The two companies are offering an early look at the title, which features a world ruled by huge and powerful mechanical dinosaurs that are being hunted by relatively fragile humans who are both very evolved technologically and still use a classic tribal structure.

Horizon: Zero Dawn will allow gamers to control one of the human hunters who has a special role to play in the future of the entire world.

Guerrilla Games says that it is cherishing the opportunity to create an entirely new experience for the PlayStation 4.

The footage shown from Horizon: Zero Dawn reveals that it might be similar to Monster Hunter in terms of actual gameplay, with players having to carefully approach their target while trying to stay hidden before attacking their mark.

A bigger mechanical dinosaur requires a lot of dodging and combat to take down, with the developers using a combination between electrical and classical arrow to pin down the enemy and to then destroy it by targeting some weak spots.

Horizon: Zero Dawn does not yet have an official launch date, but it will be exclusive to the PS4.