From inspiring copycats to cliche characters and stories, the new video doesn't forgive a single thing

Feb 18, 2015 10:40 GMT  ·  By

The Honest Trailers treatment has just been applied to the Gears of War franchise, and as expected, it emphasizes everything the series has done right and wrong throughout the years in a hilarious manner, as well as the array of copycat experiences that have appeared ever since the first game launched many years ago.

The Gears of War franchise has been around for quite some time, releasing on the Xbox 360 throughout the years and delivering top-notch third-person shooter experiences.

In this latest Honest Trailer, the team at Smosh Games emphasizes the many different aspects of the series in a hilarious way, from inspiring many other third-person shooters to its lackluster attempts at a plot, and much more.

Special mentions are given to cliché characters like Cole Train, that just rip off actual Hollywood actors like Terry Crews, as well as the overall Expendables vibe from the whole series.

It also disavows the latest entry in the franchise, Judgment, due to its low quality, and just riffs on the different elements of the main series.

Check out the hilarious honest trailer for the Gears of War franchise below. Don't forget that Microsoft's Black Tusk studio is working on a new installment in the series for the Xbox One console that's set to appear in the following years.