There are both personal and community rewards

Feb 21, 2015 00:39 GMT  ·  By

The development team at BioWare is announcing that, for the weekend, it is introducing a new big event for the multiplayer side of Dragon Age: Inquisition, called War Games, which will run until 5 AM on Monday, February 23.

The official announcement says that each player engaged in the battle needs to complete enough matches to get 40 points and that the community should achieve 75,000 on the PC, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 and 20,000 on last-gen consoles.

The in-game justification for the War Games event states, "It has come to my attention that many of you are engaging in some sort of rivalry with the Orlesian army. The Orlesians are our allies, and the Inquisition does not support treating serious military deployments as sport."

Players can get access to a Commendation chest if they complete their own objective and another if the entire player community manages to succeed.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is at the moment in the process of testing patch 5, which will be launched as soon as the community experiences all the changes and it's clear that none of them will cause problems when it is fully deployed.

BioWare has also promised DLC for the game, but so far, no announcement about it has been made.