A huge number of grenades were thrown in anger

Mar 26, 2015 23:51 GMT  ·  By

The team at publisher Activision in charge of the Call of Duty franchise is delivering a rather impressive infographic associated with the series, designed to show both fans and outsiders the popularity that each title has enjoyed with the community.

The official site update says that the most recent Advanced Warfare release has broken a few records of its own, but the title is only a small part of the bigger picture.

Activision states, "We revealed that in the first two weeks alone, players had boost jumped more than 16.1 billion times for a combined distance great enough to make more than 230 trips to the Moon. But in celebration of the Call of Duty Championship, presented by Xbox this weekend, we thought we’d pull more stats from the franchise’s history and what we found was pretty incredible."

More than 100 billion matches of Call of Duty have been played, which is more than 390 million seasons of the National Football League.

At the same time, players have thrown more than 300 billion grenades at each other, which is 44 times more than the overall number of cellphones in the world.

Activision is currently preparing for the Championship Finals for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, which will take place in Los Angeles over the weekend.