Let's see how Google's Material Design Lite compares to industry top-dog Bootstrap, using this simple table

Jul 13, 2015 14:30 GMT  ·  By

Barely a week has passed since Google released Material Design Lite and the project has already been stared 9,500 times, and forked 950 times on GitHub.

The success of this project reminds us of Bootstrap, a similar frontend UI framework, which in its beginning was backed by Twitter, being known as Twitter Blueprint, then Twitter Bootstrap, before being released as a separate open source entity as Bootstrap.

It is highly unlikely that Material Design Lite will ever be taken away from Google's stewardship, but the project is a bonafide success as it stands today.

Since both work in a similar manner, providing developers with a core of basic styles and UI components for their projects, we came to wonder how much these two projects have in common.  

Comparison Criteria Bootstrap (3.3.5) Material Design Lite (1.0.0)
External dependencies jQuery None
CSS pre-processor LESS (future versions will be SCSS) SCSS
CSS reset normalize.css normalize.css (via HTML5 Boilerplate)
Minified CSS size 120 KB 118 KB
Minified JS size 36 KB 56 KB
Build tool Grunt Gulp
Package managers npm, Bower, Composer, Meteor npm, Bower
Lowest version of IE supported IE7 IE8
Support for themes Yes Kind of. There's a limited theme builder.
Built-in templates No No
Available components & widgets Icons, Dropdowns, Button groups, Button dropdowns, Input groups, Navigation menus, Navbar, Breadcrumbs, Pagination, Labels, Badges, Pills, Jumbotron, Page header, Thumbnails, Alerts, Progress bars, Media object, List group, Panels, Wells, Grid system, Typography presets, Table styles, Form elements, Tooltips, Popovers, Modal windows, Error messages, Notifications, Slider, Accordion, Scrollspy, Animations & transitions Badges, Buttons, Cards, Layout, Loading, Menus, Sliders, Toggles, Tables, Text, Fields, Tooltips
Default font Helvetica/Arial Roboto
Grid system Classic fluid CSS grid, implemented in LESS Flexbox grid with some CSS calc()
Does it work with AngularJS Yes Technically it should. Has not been tried until now.
Does it work with React Yes Technically it should. Has not been tried until now.
Overall style Classic Bootstrap look. Pretty well-known. Will require designers to use themes and modify it. Material Design. Looks like an Android app spread across a wider screen.
Responsive Yes Yes
Docs & Demos A bunch. On official website and beyond Yes, on official website
Versioning Semver Semver
License Apache Apache