Group provides a list of ISIS members to British reporters

Nov 17, 2015 18:30 GMT  ·  By

Two days ago, Anonymous had declared war on ISIS militants. By yesterday, the group had already amassed details on over 3,800 pro-ISIS Twitter accounts, which has now started leaking to the press.

The move of leaking data to the press instead of dumping it online is a new strategy for Anonymous, with the group having learnt from its previous mistakes and the subsequent criticism it had received from government agencies and regular Internet users alike.

Because, in previous doxings, the group mistakenly exposed data about innocent people or persons that had no affiliation to the various causes Anonymous was fighting for, the group now seems to have decided to release their data to the press, thinking that journalists may verify it beforehand.

According to The Independent, one of their reporters was contacted and provided with a list of names and personal details for numerous ISIS members. A few of the names from the list were marked as being active ISIS recruiters activating in Europe.

It is yet unknown if some of the data leaked to The Independent's reporters is the same as the database of ISIS members seen on the group's #opIceISIS website.

Regardless of how the hackers acquired the data, law enforcement agencies might be interested to see the list as well.

P.S.: The group announced that it managed to take down 3,824 pro-ISIS Twitter accounts. The tally at the end of day #2 is now 5,500.