It is built around the i3 window manager

Dec 29, 2015 17:45 GMT  ·  By

Today, December 29, the Manjaro Linux community has been proud to announce the release and immediate availability for download of the Manjaro Linux i3 15.12 operating system.

Based on Manjaro Linux 15.12 (Capella), the i3 edition is finally here, bringing you all the hottest apps and GNU/Linux technologies released during the last couple of months. It is built around the lightweight i3 4.11 window manager, which includes the i3-gaps package.

Furthermore, Manjaro Linux i3 15.12 includes Dmenu-manjaro 4.6, which features separate configuration files for appearance and terminal preferences, i3status-manjaro 2.9, brings optimizations to Urxvt, and boasts the Maia and AwOken Light icon themes, along with the i3-dark and i3-dust GTK themes.

"Thanks to all the community input and thanks to @Chrysostomus's and @excalibur1234's brilliant work this latest release includes a complete set of command line applications together with their GUI alternatives. It now includes the awesome CLI settings manager Bmenu with package manager Pacli," reads the announcement.

Compton is the default composite manager

In addition to the features mentioned above, Manjaro Linux i3 15.12 contains several useful open source applications, among which we can mention PCManFM and Ranger file managers, Xarchiver archive manager, Palemoon web browser, Hexchat IRC client, Pinta drawing software, and Gpicview image viewer.

Moreover, the VLC Media Player, Pamac and Pacli package managers, Qpdfview PDF viewer, Mousepad, Vi and nano text editors, Clipit clipboard manager, LightDM login manager, Xautolock screensaver, Compton composite manager, as well as Lxappearance, Nitrogen, and i3exit with blurlock are also included.

As expected, most of the Manjaro tools are also present in the i3 edition of Manjaro Linux 15.12, such as Manjaro-Welcome, Manjaro-Setting-Manager, and Manjaro-Printer. Additionally, Arandr is now used for screen and multihead settings, and Calamares, Thus and CLI-Installer as the installers.

Among other interesting tools included in Manjaro Linux i3 15.12, we can mention Htop, tree, IsoUSB, Gparted, Mhwd-chroot, Bmenu, ALSA, PulseAudio, Yaourt, and NetworkManager. Download Manjaro Linux i3 15.12 with systemd and OpenRC flavors right now from Softpedia (please note that some of them are still uploading at the moment of writing this article).

Manjaro Linux i3 15.12
Manjaro Linux i3 15.12

Manjaro Linux i3 15.12 (3 Images)

Manjaro Linux i3 15.12
Manjaro Linux i3 15.12Manjaro Linux i3 15.12
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