Windows 7 keeps growing and growing these days

May 6, 2015 08:49 GMT  ·  By

Windows 7 was launched in 2009 with much fanfare, and Microsoft introduced it at that time as one of the best operating systems ever created for the traditional PC.

Successor to the Vista disaster and predecessor to another disaster, Windows 8, Windows 7 continues to be quite an extraordinary operating system for those who want to work on a PC without having to learn new things or without struggling with system performance.

Windows 7 is becoming an operating system that would be really hard to kill, which is quite worrying for Microsoft, given the fact that end of support will take place in 2020 and it will need more users to switch to Windows 10 and the next OS versions.

Statistics show that Windows 7 is still the world's number one operating system for the PC, and despite the buzz Microsoft attempts to create with Windows 10, many people still deploy 7 these days because of its looks, speed, and flawless performance.

Powering more than 1 in 2 PCs

Data provided by market researcher StatCounter indicates that Windows 7 powers no less than 54.07 percent of the PCs across the globe, which means that more than one in two computers are running it as we speak.

If that's not impressive, it's worth noting that Windows 7 has constantly improved its market share in 2015, despite the fact that Microsoft announced the very first Windows 10 Technical Preview in October 2014.

In other words, in spite of the great marketing push that Windows 10 is receiving these days, Windows 7 is still ruling the OS world and is very likely to continue to do so for many years from now.

Windows 8.1 is currently the second top OS in the world with a share of 15.08 percent, followed by Windows XP with 11.58 percent.

As you can see, Windows XP also refuses to die, so Windows 7 is more or less becoming the new XP, but at a greater scale.

The good news for Microsoft is that it still has around 5 years to try and move users off Windows 7, but there's no doubt that's going to be an insane mission. People love Windows 7 and the only way to change that is to make Windows 10 just perfect. Just a single mistake and Windows 7 stays right where it is.