The simplest way is to eat more veggies and exercise

May 22, 2015 11:33 GMT  ·  By

It’s useless to say that having a lousy eyesight can be a seriously frustrating life experience. On the bright side, it looks like there are some hacks to keep our eyes healthy even as we age. 

In a new animated video released just yesterday and available below, the folks at New Scientist suggest we start eating more vegetables, especially spinach, peppers and kale.

This simple diet change would supply our retina with pigments that absorb light at damaging wavelengths and, in doing so, keep our eyes safe from damage.

One other very simple way to protect our eyesight is to exercise regularly. Apart from helping us stay in shape, this will reduce the risk of developing cataract or blood clots that can harm vision.

Playing video games can too prove a beneficial experience for our eyesight. Thus, research shows that video games train the brain to react to shifts in light intensity faster and more effectively.

There is a catch, however. Apparently, it's only face-paced action games that benefit the brain and help it have an easier time interpreting visual stimuli. So no, growing virtual crops doesn't work.

If all else fails, there's always technology and medical science to turn to. Implantable lenses can come in handy to those who have trouble seeing, as can apps designed to alter photos for specific viewers.