The game universe is simply too big for just one game

Jan 14, 2015 09:05 GMT  ·  By

It seems that The Order: 1886, the occult steampunk creation of God of War, Okami and Daxter makers Ready at Dawn, might already have some sequels planned.

Ready at Dawn Chief Executive Officer and The Order: 1886 Creative Director Ru Weerasuriya made some very interesting reveals about the game's setting and development process.

The game's concept has been around for years, but it wasn't until the PlayStation 4 was released that the team could really get working on the project.

Unsatisfied by the offers available on the market, the studio built a brand new engine to take care of the challenging physics that The Order: 1886 boasts, in order to create a truly realistic and cinematic experience, with seamless transitions between gameplay and story sequences, and with a world that truly comes alive on-screen.

The team's goal was to create something that feels like a credible realistic experience, not like the mostly sterile background of other action-oriented titles. Ready at Dawn built an immense world, one that they are convinced their 100+ development team can believe in and work in for years to come.

A deep, engrossing universe

The game is set in a fertile world, as far as potential sequels and spin-offs go, with a lot of interesting interactions and deep lore. The game is set in Victorian-age London, following the ancient war between an order of knights, tasked with safeguarding mankind, and the inhuman beasts they have to vanquish.

The developer has recently disclosed that the game's setting and idea have been in the making for a few years now, but that the company was waiting for the right platform, one where they could really implement everything they wanted in a satisfying manner.

The team paid a lot of attention to the pacing of the story and the gameplay, and to the way the different mechanics blend while enjoying The Order: 1886.

"We have other games in mind, other things that could be done. The reality is that we never build a world with the mind set of 'There is one story and that is that.' We build a world purely for the purpose of making more than one game. It takes too much work for this to be for a single title," Weerasuriya told Polygon.

The Order: 1886 screenshots (6 Images)

The Order: 1886
People were still figuring out machine gunsRealistic characters