The company is planning to drop MMR decay

Mar 5, 2015 00:40 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Blizzard is announcing that it is preparing to make a series of changes to the ladder system for Starcraft 2 and that even bigger tweaks will be introduced when the company finally launches the long-awaited Legacy of the Void part of the trilogy.

In an official blog post, the studio states that league placement across all regions is nowhere near the desired values, and that means an adjustment is needed in order to make sure that players remain engaged with the game.

The MMR decay rating, which slowly degrades a gamer's hidden rating if he does not actually play Starcraft 2 for a long time, is being targeted and Blizzard says that new players are also placed too high when they start playing the multiplayer side of the strategy experience.

The team says that, for the current ladder season, it is aiming to adjust league distribution, which will affect a number of players, and move down the starting point for all those who are just starting with multiplayer.

For the next period of play, Blizzard wants to disable MMR and seek a better way to work with players who are staying away for long periods of time, while also making changes to internal functions in order to improve matchmaking.

Legacy of the Void will introduce more tweaks to Starcraft 2

The ladder system will be entirely re-evaluated when the final part of the Starcraft 2 experience is launched.

Blizzard states, "Our goal here is to ensure that the new system is more accurate and offers more transparency into player progress. We’ve seen feedback on desired changes for the ladder recently, and we’d encourage everyone to keep sharing their thoughts."

Legacy of the Void is expected to arrive this year on the PC and the studio has said that it wants to beta test some of the changes it is planning to make, although it is not clear if ladder elements are included.

The campaign of the new content will focus on the Protoss and their fight to make sure that they can remain an important force in the galaxy.

For the multiplayer of Legacy of the Void for Starcraft 2, Blizzard is planning to introduce new units and to tweak some of the existing ones.

Starcraft 2 - Legacy of the Void Images (9 Images)

Starcraft 2 - Legacy of the Void will bring ladder changes
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