At the moment, the problem seems contained

Jan 7, 2015 07:15 GMT  ·  By

The team in charge of the PlayStation Network at Sony announces that at the moment the service is affected by problems for a number of users and that the engineering department of the company is investigating possible causes and solutions.

The official Twitter account of the brand has recently acknowledged the problem after a number of players have reported it via their own social channels.

Sony is not yet ready to offer more details on the PSN drops, including how many users are affected and whether the cause is internal or an attack from an outside source is involved.

A lot of those commenting on the official message are suggesting that this could be a repeat of the Denial of Service attacks that brought down the service in late 2014 and also affected the Xbox One from Microsoft.

The company will try to move as quickly as possible in order to eliminate all problems with PlayStation Network, but if the issues persist, gamers would do well to keep an eye on its social media presence in order to make sure that nothing more serious is happening.

The PlayStation Network underpins the success of the PlayStation 4

The PSN needs to remain as stable as possible in the long term and to add functionality because it represents one of the major reasons for the current success of the PlayStation 4 home console.

Over Christmas, the downtime was extensive enough to persuade Sony to offer a price cut and an extension for PS Plus.

If the PSN issues develop, they might also affect the coming launch of the PlayStation Now subscription service, which is supposed to be introduced on January 13.

The streaming concept means that gamers can play as many as 100 PS3 titles on their PlayStation 4 if they are willing to pay 20 dollars (16 Euro).

Unfortunately, the PS Now service uses quite a bit of infrastructure and is inherently vulnerable to any kind of attack which targets the PSN.  

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PSN once again has issues
Could affect the PS4
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