You can’t delete the app, but you can shut it up

Nov 27, 2014 12:13 GMT  ·  By

With the launch of iOS 8, Apple has included a neat app called Tips, which packs a treasure trove of information about how the new software works and it even gets updated over-the-air on a regular basis.

But there are two problems with it. One is that you can’t delete the thing. Something Apple is renowned for and people don’t hesitate to slam them every time they bloat up iOS with these kinds of apps. The second problem with this app is that it comes with push notifications activated by default, and it bothers users who already know all those tips and tricks.

If you’re hardcore, you have probably done this already, but if you still haven’t figured out how to stop Tips on your iDevice, here’s the simplest way to do that without taking a hammer to the phone’s display.

Step 1: Launch the Settings app on your iDevice


Step 2: Scroll down to the point where it says Notifications


Step 3: Inside Notifications, scroll down until you get to Tips

Tips notifications

Step 4: Once inside Tips, you can selectively tweak the notifications styles or you can stop them altogether from the kill-switch at the top (the one that says Allow Notifications).

Notifications off

You'll then see Tips listed under "Do not include" in Notifications.

Tips listed under Do Not Include

Once you’ve toggled off Allow Notifications, every other option on the screen will vanish and Tips will no longer bother you from that point on. You can then double tap the Home screen to invoke multitasking, swipe up on the Tips app to close it, then move the Tips app into a folder of unused Apple apps and be done with it.

iOS 9 feature request

One of the top feature requests for iOS 9 among users (based on a Reddit thread we cited yesterday) is to be able to do away with certain stock apps that many people hardly ever use.

These apps include the Stocks application, Game Center, and the aforementioned Tips. As you can imagine, very few people are brokers, hardcore iOS gamers who prefer a standalone app for leaderboards, or very keen on knowing every little detail about iOS.

In all fairness, Apple should allow us the ability to delete these apps and then re-download them by our own volition over at the iTunes App Store. For now, however, all we can do is either move all these apps to a page we never access or cram them all together in a folder.

Steps to stop Tips (5 Images)

NotificationsTips notifications