How to choose the right iPhone without any “friendly” advice

Oct 29, 2014 16:31 GMT  ·  By

If you’re on the list of countries waiting to receive the iPhone 6 this week and you’re waiting on the edge of your seat, may we recommend a little reading beforehand? You wouldn’t want to end up with a phone that you can’t use the way you want to or, worst of all, won’t enjoy using.

Unlike a few years ago when Apple used to sell a single-size model with the only variations available in the storage department, this time around the company sells not one, not two, not three, but a total of four different iPhone models, in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and with some distinct tech specs on the side. Needless to point out, choice is no longer a problem now.

Analyze your usage

The first thing you want to do before you really start considering an upgrade is to analyze your own usage of a smartphone. You know, simple things like: how often do you use it with one hand or how much it bothers you (or not) in your pocket, how often do you hold it to your ear, how much gaming or music do you enjoy on it, etc.

This may sound trivial, but it’s actually crucial. Depending on the size and shape of the phone, you may or may not be able to carry out those activities as before. But to complete your assessment, you also need to embark on a short trip to your local Apple store.

Grasp it, play with it, play with it some more

You won’t know exactly how the device will fit in your hand until you’ve held one. For instance, small-handed people will not be able to use an iPhone 6 Plus as they did an iPhone 5. Which means a regular iPhone 6 may be far better suited for them. Of course, this person may also be into games quite a lot. So maybe giving up one-handed use is a compromise they’re willing to make. Point is, whatever your reasons, the best way to know is to do a hands-on. If you can't decide just yet, come back tomorrow. You may feel differently about some things.

Don’t ask your friends and don’t ask Apple

Don’t get the wrong idea. Your friends know you better than Apple, but you know yourself even better. They may even be more biased than the Apple store clerk down the aisle just waiting for you to grab that iPhone 6 Plus and close the transaction.

However, there’s one thing Apple does offer that can really cement your decision, and that is the Compare page they set up right after launching the iPhone 6.

There you’ll get an overview of all the current-selling iPhones, including the 5C and the 5S, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, you’ll know everything from color choices to wireless capabilities, shape and size, OS and application support, accessories that ship with the phone in the box, display size, processor type and speed, sensors (Touch ID, barometer, accelerometer, etc.), camera capabilities (slo-mo, panorama size, video quality), Apple Pay support, and of course pricing.

Bottom line, the decision needs to be yours and yours alone. And that also includes choosing a different brand if you realize iPhone just isn't for you.